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Vibrations could reveal landmine locations

"Zapping buried landmines with powerful sound waves and listening to them vibrate could reveal their location"

Category: Weapons


The year the world woke up

"Climate change In 2006, the public, politicians and industry have all shown significant signs that tackling global warming is on the agenda after scientific studies showed the pace of change gathering speed. John Vidal reports."

Category: Climate Change


Renewable energy runs into turbulence on the home front

"Big wind farms are doing well - but poor turbine design means it's not yet feasible for the home user"

Category: Energy sources


Australia ponders climate future

"Parts of Australia are in the grip of the worst drought in memory."

Category: Climate Change


Do they care it's Christmas time?

"'Tis the season when some concerned present-buyers choose to sponsor goats for families in drought-hit regions. Schemes like this are little more than token gestures, says the World Food Programme's Menghestab Haile; a real gift...

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 2951 to 2955 out of 2977